"Archives - Plagiarism, Intellectual Property Rights, Copy Rights and People's watch"
Mrs.N.Nigar, Co-ordinator,
Documentation Centre, People's Watch,
Venue : V.V.V.Muthammal Library Meeting Hall,
Department of Library and Information Science
Date : 16-08-2012
Time : 10.00 a.m.
Minutes of the Guest Lecture
With the consent of V.V.Vanniaperumal College Managing Board and the Principal, Dr.Mrs.P.Selvameenakshi, M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D., the Department of Library and
Information Science headed by Mrs.P.Clara Jeyaseeli, M.L.I.S., M.Phil.,
has organized a guest lecture on "Archives - Plagiarism, Intellectual Property Rights, Copy Rights and People's Watch" on 16-08-2012 at 10.00 a.m. at V.V.V.Muthammal Library Meeting Hall, Department of Library and Information Science.
The meeting has been started with a prayer song by Dr.Mrs.S.Thanasundari, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce.
Mrs.P.Clara Jeyaseeli, Head and Librarian proposed welcome address where she insisted on the importance of Archives, Libraries, Documentation Centers. Also she insisted on the rights of the research scholars and on plagiarism.
The Library Committee Members Dr.Mrs.S.Parijatham, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head and Associate Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Dr.Mrs.C.Bavani, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of History and Mrs.K.Uma Maheswari, M.Sc., M.Phil., Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics conveyed their felicitation address.
In the felicitation address, Dr.Mrs.S.Parijatham, thrown lights on the necessity of archives and the ethics of research scholars.
Dr.Mrs.C.Bavani, gave a brief and authenticated information on the history of People's watch, their services, the inception of People's Watch and Human Rights, and necessity for citations to avoid plagiarism.
Mrs.K.Uma Maheswari, in her felicitation address highlighted on the enhancement of reading habit and the enforcement of the laws related to the intellectual community.
After the felicitation, Mrs.N.Nigar delivered her guest lecture. In the first session, she spoke on the Vision, Mission and Services of People's Watch. In the next session, she gave a brief idea on Archives, Libraries, Documentation Centres, plagiarism, IPR, copy right laws especially for the research scholars. In the third session, she highlighted on the Documentation Services of People's Watch and how they extend their help for the research scholars.
During the interactive session the participants interacted with Mrs.Nigar and she gave wonderful and authenticated information regarding their services, documentation process, social services, etc.
Mrs.K.Sheela and Ms.Aruljothi, the full time research scholars gave their feedback regarding the sessions.
Ms.Chandrakala, the full time research scholar proposed vote of thanks.
Mrs.P.Clara Jeyaseeli, Head and Librarian, Welcome Address |
Dr.Mrs.S.Parijatham, Head and Associate Professor, Dept.of Tamil - Library Committee Member - Felicitation Address |
Dr.Mrs.C.Bavani, Associate Professor, Dept.of History - PART V - Co-ordinator - Felicitation Address |
Mrs.K.Uma Maheswari, Associate Professor, Dept.of Physics - Library Committee Member - Felicitation Address |
Mrs.N.Nigar, Co-ordinator, Documentation Centre, People's Watch - GUESTLECTURE |