VVV College Library's blog helps patrons to update their knowledge with scholarly communication on academic and research activities. CAS, SDI, e-Resources such as full-text articles, databases, bibliographic holdings are shared. Outreach programs, Awards, News bulletins, Institutional Repositories, Question Bank, Tutorials, Premium wares, etc. updated.-Dr.P.Clara Jeyaseeli.
Monday, September 11, 2023
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Friday, December 17, 2021
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Monday, November 8, 2021
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
NDLI Club Activity No.5 | Guest Lecture | Dr.J.Kavitha, VVVC | 21.08.2021
Dear students,
YouTube Link : https://youtu.be/g22NZLnsFIw
Your NDLI Club has created an event on Information Literacy Programme on "Exploring and Marketing of Science Simulation Software" arranged by VVVC Library under NDLI Club Activity No.5. The event details are mentioned below and you are requested to encourage all the students and faculty members of your institute to join this event:
Event Date and Time: Sat Aug 21, 2021, 12:00 PM .
Event Location: https://meet.google.com/vim-
Event Description: Information Literacy Programme on "Exploring and Marketing of Science Simulation Software" arranged by VVVC Library under NDLI Club Activity No.5 | https://meet.google.com/vim-
For Registration, existing NDLI Club members of your institute can click on the Register Now button from the e-Mail. Then they have to enter their NDLI Club registered eMail ID (Username) and Password. After logging-in, click on the Events section and select the event name. Then check the Eligibility button available at the right side of the event. Once it shows, you are Eligible, then Click on the Participate button.
If any new students/ faculty members of our institute who are not members of the NDLI Club want to join the session, then they should join the NDLI Club first by using the NDLI Club Unique Passkey and then register themselves. This Unique Passkey should be strictly shared with our institute students, faculty members, and other staff members only and non-members of your institute are not allowed to register and attend this event.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
NDLI Club Activity No.4 | Guest Lecture | Dr.M.Mani | 14.08.2021
Librarian IQAC Co-ordinator PRINCIPAL
Dear students,
Your NDLI Club has created an event on VVVC Library on Digital Natives for Student Profile Management Sys.. The event details are mentioned below:
Event Date and Time: Sat Aug 14, 2021, 03:00 PM .
Event Location: https://meet.google.com/quv-
Event Description: VVVC Library | NDLI Club Activity No.4 | Digital Natives for Student Profile Management System | ILP - Guest Lecture| Dr.M.Mani | 14.08.2021 | https://meet.google.com/quv-
For Registration, existing NDLI Club members of your institute can click on the Register Now button from the e-Mail. Then they have to enter their NDLI Club registered eMail ID (Username) and Password. After logging-in, click on the Events section and select the event name. Then check the Eligibility button available at the right side of the event. Once it shows, you are Eligible, then Click on the Participate button.
If any new students/ faculty members of our institute who are not members of the NDLI Club want to join the session, then they should join the NDLI Club first by using the NDLI Club Unique Passkey and then register themselves. This Unique Passkey should be strictly shared with our institute students, faculty members, and other staff members only and non-members of our institute are not allowed to register and attend this event.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
NDLI Club Activity No.3 - National Library Day (12th August) celebration at V.V.V college library
V.V.Vanniaperumal College library celebrates National Library Day (12th August) on the occasion of 129th Birth Anniversary of Padma Shri Prof.Dr.S.R.Ranganathan (Father of Library Science in India) on 07.08.2021 through NDLI Club Activity.No.3 - Quiz.
The event details are mentioned below to join this event:
Event Date and Time: Sat Aug 07, 2021, 03:00 PM .
Event Location: Virudhunagar .
Event Description: V.V.Vanniaperumal College library celebrates 129th Birth Anniversary of Padma Shri Prof.Dr.S.R.Ranganathan on 07.08.2021 through NDLI Club Activity.No.3 - Quiz
For Registration, existing NDLI Club members of your institute can click on the Register Now button from the e-Mail. Then they have to enter their NDLI Club registered eMail ID (Username) and Password. After logging-in, click on the Events section and select the event name. Then check the Eligibility button available at the right side of the event. Once it shows, you are Eligible, then Click on the Participate button.
If any new students/ faculty members of our college who are not members of the NDLI Club want to join the session, then they should join the NDLI Club first by using the NDLI Club Unique Passkey and then register themselves. This Unique Passkey should be strictly shared with our college institute students, faculty members, and other staff members only and non-members of our college are not allowed to register and attend this event. The passkey is available with our librarian.
Friday, July 23, 2021
NDLI Club presents an event Global Event on 1971: Stories of Grit and Glory
Dear patrons,
Your NDLI Club has created an event on Global Event on 1971: Stories of Grit and Glory.
Event Date and Time: Sun Jul 25, 2021, 03:00 PM .
Event Location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Event Description: Resource Person: Gen Ian Cardozo in conversation with Gen PJS Pannu. This event is being organized by the NDLI Club Central Team in collaboration with the Valley of Words. This event is meant for the NDLI Club members, the club members are requested to login to the NDLI Club member section here: https://club.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
For Registration, existing NDLI Club members of our college can click on the Register Now button from the e-Mail. Then they have to enter their NDLI Club registered eMail ID (Username) and Password. After logging-in, click on the Events section and select the event name. Then check the Eligibility button available at the right side of the event. Once it shows, you are Eligible, then Click on the Participate button.
If any new students/ faculty members of our college who are not members of the NDLI Club want to join the session, then they should join the NDLI Club first by using the NDLI Club Unique Passkey and then register themselves. This Unique Passkey should be strictly shared with our college students, faculty members, and other staff members only and non-members of our college are not allowed to register and attend this event.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
NDLI Club presents an event Global Event on Creation of Learning Materials for NDLI - 15.07.2021
Dear Patrons,
Our NDLI Club has created an event on Global Event on Creation of Learning Materials for NDLI. The event details are mentioned below and the patrons of our college are requested to join this event:
Event Date and Time: Thu Jul 15, 2021, 06:30 PM .
Event Location: https://www.youtube.com/c/
Event Description:
Resource Person: Prof. Partha P. Chakrabarti, Professor - Computer Science and Principal Investigator - NDLI, IIT Kharagpur This event is organized by the NDLI Club Central Team as part of the 25th P N Panicker National Reading Month Celebrations. This event is meant for the NDLI Club members, the members are requested to login to the NDLI Club member section here: https://club.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
For Registration, existing NDLI Club members of of our college can click on the Register Now button from the e-Mail. Then they have to enter their NDLI Club registered eMail ID (Username) and Password. After logging-in, click on the Events section and select the event name. Then check the Eligibility button available at the right side of the event. Once it shows, you are Eligible, then Click on the Participate button.
If any new students/ faculty members of of college who are not members of the NDLI Club want to join the session, then they should join the NDLI Club first by using the NDLI Club Unique Passkey which can be obtained from our Librarian and then register themselves. This Unique Passkey should not be strictly shared and non-members of of our college are not allowed to register and attend this event.
Thursday, July 8, 2021
NDLI Club presents an event NDLI in Indian Languages
Dear patrons,
Event Date and Time: Mon Jul 12, 2021, 06:30 PM .
Event Location: https://www.youtube.com/c/
Event Description: This event has been created by the NDLI Club Central Team as part of the 25th P N Panicker National Reading/ Digital Reading Month Celebrations. Resource Person: Dr. Plaban Kumar Bhowmick, Asst. Professor - Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Kharagpur
For Registration, existing NDLI Club members of our college can click on the Register Now button from the e-Mail. Then you have to enter your NDLI Club registered eMail ID (Username) and Password. After logging-in, click on the Events section and select the event name. Then check the Eligibility button available at the right side of the event. Once it shows, you are Eligible, then Click on the Participate button.
If any new students/ faculty members of our college who are not members of the NDLI Club want to join the session, then they should join the NDLI Club first by using the NDLI Club Unique Passkey and then register themselves. This Unique Passkey can be availed from our Librarian and it should not be shared. The non-members of our college are strictly not allowed to register and attend this event.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
NDLI Club Activity - No.10 | Guest Lecture - 04.03.2021
to Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars)
An Autonomous Institution Affiliated
to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Re–accredited with ‘A’ Grade
(3rd cycle) by NAAC
Date : 02.03.2021
The Department of Library and Information Science is going to organize the Information Literacy Programme under NDLI Club Activity No.10 for I year and II year Part V- Library and Information Science students.
Topic |
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ஓலைச் சுவடியிலிà®°ுந்து நூல்கள் வரை |
Speaker |
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Dr.N.Amuthavalli Assistant Professor of Tamil (Aided) V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women Virudhunagar |
Date |
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04.03.2021 |
Time |
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03.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. |
Venue |
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V.V.V.Muthammal Library Meeting Hall |
Prize winners:
I Prize : Ms.M.Ishwarya, II B.A.Tamil (Aided)
II Prize: Ms. M.Arumuga Anitha, I B.Sc. Mathematics (Self Finance)
III Prize : Ms.C.Deepika, II B.Sc. Mathematics (Self Finance - 'A' sec.)
Photo Gallery
Thursday, January 21, 2021
NDLI Club Activity No.7| Quiz |08.01.2021 (2020-2021)