VVV College Part V - Library and Information Science conducted a Rally on "Books are the Best Friend" in the college campus on 27.02.2024 from 03.30p.m. to 04.30p.m. to create awareness about reading habit.
VVV College Library's blog helps patrons to update their knowledge with scholarly communication on academic and research activities. CAS, SDI, e-Resources such as full-text articles, databases, bibliographic holdings are shared. Outreach programs, Awards, News bulletins, Institutional Repositories, Question Bank, Tutorials, Premium wares, etc. updated.-Dr.P.Clara Jeyaseeli.
VVV College Part V - Library and Information Science conducted a Rally on "Books are the Best Friend" in the college campus on 27.02.2024 from 03.30p.m. to 04.30p.m. to create awareness about reading habit.
YT Videos
Awareness Programme Series:
Topic : Searching Techniques - NDLI Club Activity No.24
Date : 30.01.2024
Time : 02.30p.m. to 03.30p.m
Participants : III B.A.Tamil
No.of Participants : 45